Arizona Medical Marijuana Law/Dispensary Licensing

Are you an individual or business with a legal issue pertaining to dispensaries or medical marijuana? The Arizona laws around medical marijuana consumption and dispensary licensing can be confusing. Get your medical marijuana based business off the ground the right way with legal help from an attorney who understands the full complexities of the matter. Learn how Ortega & Ortega, PLLC can assist you with legal needs regarding cannabis sale or consumption.

Practice Area

Ortega & Ortega, PLLC provides civil litigation and medical marijuana legal services throughout the State of Arizona and maintains a legal office in Phoenix. Attorney Ortega welcomes any individual or business with a medical marijuana legal need, and has significant experience in this new and growing area of the law. For the convenience of Phoenix area residents, the firm offers legal services in Spanish and English.

How a Phoenix Medical Marijuana Lawyer Can Help You

The laws around medical marijuana are new and enforcement may not be perfect. If you have a prescription for medical marijuana, you have the right to use cannabis to obtain relief from physical, emotional, and mental pain and suffering. If you feel that your rights to use cannabis medicinally have been violated, seek help from Attorney Alane Ortega. The attorney can defend your medical marijuana use in a court of law, prosecute parties who unfairly denied your rights, and aggressively advocate for your legal needs. The attorney’s caring and compassionate personality and tough legal stance can bring great peace of mind when facing a medical marijuana lawsuit.

The attorney also welcomes individuals and business owners who want to open a dispensary and follow all of the state’s legal protocols. Let Attorney Ortega walk you through Arizona Department of Health Services laws regarding dispensary registration, help you complete the paperwork to open your dispensary, or represent your dispensary in a legal dispute. With eight years of legal experience, the attorney has the skills and knowledge necessary to represent your small business in these critical matters.

Learn more about how Ortega & Ortega, PLLC can assist you with your Arizona medical marijuana or dispensary licensing. Call 602-368-1074 to reserve your consultation and speak with the attorney regarding your needs.

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